What is the HSA?


Welcome to Livingston Public Schools!  We are the HSA for Livingston High School.


Who we are

  • The official parent organization for Livingston High School. 
  • An organization open to all parents.
  • We are run by an elected executive board. Here is a list of our board members.
  • Although technically a formal organization, we are just a bunch of parents who work together to give Livingston High students and families fun experiences while also giving back to our school.


What we do

  • Build community
  • Connect people
  • Fundraise for our school. All of the money we raise goes directly back to our school. We don’t make any profit.
  • Plan and lead school-wide events such as After-school activities, Basket Bash..
  • Communicate regularly with the principal on behalf of parents
  • Give back to our school, our students, and our teachers. Recent examples include: teacher appreciation luncheon, school fair, STEM kits..etc
  • Raise money for each class’s Project Graduation, to help give them a fantastic, healthy celebration after High School graduation.
  • Our presidents serve on the district-wide Parent-Teacher Council (PT Council) which is comprised of the presidents from all the schools. They meet every month to share ideas, problem-solve, and bring suggestions to the district administration.
  • We adhere to a clear set of by-laws.


What you can do

  • Join the HSA. We use the membership fee to help fund programs and events which benefit all students. The more members, the more we can do. All members have full access to our website, which allows you to sign up for our activities.
  • Attend HSA meetings. We meet every month to share what we’re working on, coordinate volunteers, and plan future events. The principal attends our meetings and gives updates on what’s happening at school. Sometimes teachers attend to present something they’ve been working on.
  • Make sure you are receiving our updates. We send out newsflash regularly. There is a box in Genesis you need to check to approve communication from us.
  • Follow our Facebook page. We use Facebook to regularly post updates, because there are no group size limits like on other platforms. We know some of you like other methods better, but we want to make sure EVERYONE has access to our information.
  • Check our website regularly.
  • Volunteer. There are roles for everyone. Whether you’d like to volunteer in-person, or do something behind-the-scenes. Whether you’d like to give your time regularly, occasionally, or just once. Whether you want to plan an event, join a committee, or just show up to help. There is a place for you!
  • Participate in our events. Every time you pay to attend an activity, or sign up for an after-school class, or buy something we are selling, that money goes directly towards future programs, supplies, or activities that support our students. Your child has a great experience, and our school gets something it needs. It’s a win-win!
  • Bring us your ideas. We are always open to try new activities, fundraisers, and community building events. We’d love to hear from you and have you join us. Contact Laura Goren to get involved.


What we don’t do


We are not the Board of Education or district administration. We cannot control curriculum, policies, lunch, schedules, teachers, or administration. If you have questions or concerns about those things, you can always ask one of our board members for advice. But reaching out to the principal is usually the best idea in these scenarios.